Erotic stories of Lukewood Space
Profile page of Lukewood Space. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Lukewood Space wrote 7 erotic stories which have been read 6.3K times
Confessions | 3
First times | 2
Exibitionism | 1
Group sex | 1
2024-08-13 05:47:50
2024-07-21 04:44:24
Confessionswritten on
The Jailbirds Daughter #3 ElleJo's ShowBack from the mall after clothes shopping for ElleJo. She wanted me to see what Items she had picked out. To start with as we left the mall, wearing her slinky new black dress with matching earrings and necklace. She looked stunning!
That certainly wasn't a dress for furthering her education at any private school she might be attending here, depending on the Judges ruling Monday for her mother.
ElleJo flashed me a quick peak at her new silky Whiney the Pooh panties as she waited for me to ope... reading time 9 mingenre
Confessionswritten on
The Jailbirds Daughter A beautiful July Friday night at the State Fair.
Motley Crew was going to be killing it that night at an outdoor stadium in front of twenty thousand people in searing heat pounding $8 cups of keg beer or wine coolers.
My ex sister in law from my first marriage asked if they flew in and one driving up could stay at my house and showeras I was getting in on the same flight they were supposed to leave on.
They wanted to spend the day at the fair and go to the concert that night and catch the ... reading time 17 mingenre
Confessionswritten on
Pay telephone dilemma part #2Friday night came to an end, the boys had stayed in the motor home with Lucinda and I stayed with Mae at the lodge. Around 930 am, I heard them pull into the yard wincing in the pains of their tequila hangovers.
Lucinda still wearing my nite shirt as a dress , hollering to the house we're home! What's for breakfast?
Mae ran to greet her mother, I missed you mom, did you have a great night too? I did, you had a good night too? Our rescued guests both call me dad as a kindness.
My son's were of... reading time 11 mingenre
First timeswritten on
Pay telephone dilemma I had a long weekend planned with my two boys, both in they're early thirties. Thier wives were busy with they're own plans for the weekend.
In sweltering heat a heater hose failed on the motor home on the way to the mountain lodge that I had rented for us to stay in. Just twenty minutes away from a small town in Montana.
The hose clamp had simply worn through and there was enough material to slide the end ahead and tighten it up again. In the heat it seemed like the whole day without A/C.
... reading time 14 mingenre
First timeswritten on
She nodded and smiled For over a decade some friends of our's would ask us to watch in random combinations to watch the girls if the parents were going somewhere by themselves. If to Hawaii the girls would go and we would watch the dog and cat and stay at they're home.
The oldest daughter had recently had a baby and had moved out into her own place with her fiance. The youngest daughter still living at home had just finished high-school and would stay at home throughout college.
This would be her last summer of v... reading time 30 mingenre
Exibitionismwritten on
Twins sisters wedding 🎁 It was a beautiful small town wedding in beautiful Mid America,Campus and college sports rule the communities.
Renee and ReAnn are the two most beautiful women let alone being twins and Renee is older by 8 minutes. Renee is more reserved and ReAnn is a rowdy version of her sister.
Unless you really really know them you can't tell them apart. I have a private tell but it only works if one or both are wearing they're typical painter style jeans.
That's only because Renee wears traditional sty... reading time 9 mingenre
Group sexwritten on